Jump to: 2016
Number of items: 3.
Badouard, Romain, Mabi, Clément and Sire, Guillaume (2016) Beyond “Points of Control”: logics of digital governmentality. Internet Policy Review, 5 (3).
Badouard, Romain, Mabi, Clément and Sire, Guillaume (2016) Inciter, contraindre, encadrer. Trois logiques de gouvernementalité numérique. French Journal for Media Research (6).
Badouard, Romain, Mabi, Clément, Sire, Guillaume, Schubert, Cornelius, Sorensen, Estrid and Mattozzi, Alvisse (2016) Mediation as a Boundary-Object, Dispositif as a Boundary-Concept. TECNOSCIENZA Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, 7 (1). pp. 111-132.