Boyer, Marcel, Lasserre, Pierre and Moreaux, Michel (2012) A dynamic duopoly investment game without commitment under unecrtain market expansion. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 30 (n°6). pp. 663-681.
Boyer, Marcel, Lasserre, Pierre, Mariotti, Thomas and Moreaux, Michel (2004) Preemption and Rent Dissipation under Price Competition. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 22 (n°3). pp. 309-328.
Book Section
Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Moreaux, Michel (1986) Bordeaux contre Gravier : une Analyse pour les Anticipations Rationnelles. In : Ressources naturelles et théorie économique Gaudet, Gérard and Lasserre, Pierre (eds.) Presses de l'Université Laval (PUL). pp. 231-253. ISBN 2-7637-7088-6
Boyer, Marcel, Lasserre, Pierre and Moreaux, Michel (2010) A Dynamic Duopoly Investment Game under Uncertain Market Growth. LERNA Working Paper, n. 10.12.318