Gualdani, Cristina and Sinha, Shruti (2023) Partial Identification in Matching Models for the Marriage Market. Journal of Political Economy, vol. 131 (n°5).
Gualdani, Cristina (2021) An Econometric Model of Network Formation with an Application to Board Interlocks between Firms. Journal of Econometrics, vol. 224 (n°2). pp. 345-370.
Bontemps, Christian, Gualdani, Cristina and Remmy, Kevin (2023) Price Competition and Endogenous Product Choice in Networks: Evidence from the US Airline Industry. TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1415, Toulouse
Gualdani, Cristina and Sinha, Shruti (2019) Identification and inference in discrete choice models with imperfect information. TSE Working Paper, n. 19-1049, Toulouse