RT Journal Article SR 00 A1 Elliott, Jonathan A1 Houngbonon, Georges Vivien A1 Ivaldi, Marc A1 Scott, Paul T. T1 Market Structure, Investment and Technical Efficiencies in Mobile Telecommunications JF European Journal of Political Economy YR 2024 FD 2024 K1 Market structure K1 scale efficiency, K1 antitrust policy K1 infrastructure K1 endogenous K1 quality K1 queuing, mobile telecommunications AB We develop a model of competition in prices and infrastructure among mobile network operators. Although consolidation increases market power, it can lead to more efficient data transmission due to economies of scale, which we derive from physical principles. After estimating our model with French consumer and infrastructure data, equilibrium simulations reveal that while prices decrease with the number of firms, so do download speeds. Our framework also allows us to quantify the impact of spectrum allocation. The marginal social value of spectrum exceeds firms’ willingness to pay in our model as well as observed prices in spectrum auctions. PB Elsevier SN 0176-2680 LK https://publications.ut-capitole.fr/id/eprint/49504/ UL http://tse-fr.eu/pub/129445