%S TSE Working Paper %A Doh-Shin Jeon %A Yassine Lefouili %A Yaxin Li %A Timothy Simcoe %T Ecosystems and Complementary Platforms %X Motivated by several examples, including Internet of Things patent licensing, we develop a tractable model of multi-product ecosystems, where one or more platforms provide inputs to a set of devices linked through demand-side externalities. Prices depend on each device's Katz-Bonacich centrality in a network dened by the externalities, and we show how the relevant network diers for an ecosystem monop- olist, a social planner, or a group of complementary platforms. We use the model to revisit Cournot's analysis of complementary monopolies in a platform setting, and to analyze a partial (one-sided) merger of complementary platforms. %K Multi-sided Market, Complementary Platforms, Network, Centrality, %K IoT, Licensing %B TSE Working Paper %V 23-1468 %D 2023 %C Toulouse %I TSE Working Paper %L publications48209