%A Jean Tirole %J Competition Law and Policy Debate %T Socially responsible agencies %X Should agencies confine their role to their main duty or should they embrace new and desirable societal objectives? This article first discusses two emblematic examples of mission expansion: socially responsible competition authorities and green central banks. It then sheds light on the ongoing debate using contributions to bureaucratic design in economics and political science. On that basis, it warns against the risks associated with the loss of accountability, institutional conflicts, and the lack of policy coordination. %N n° 4 %K Socially responsible competition policy %K green central banks %K missions %K accountability %P 171-177 %V vol. 7 %C Deventer, The Netherlands %D 2023 %I Claeys & Casteels Law Publishers %R 10.4337/clpd.2022.04.05 %L publications47794