%A Pascal Bégout %A Jesus Ildefonso Diaz %J Advances in Differential Equations %T Finite time extinction for a critically damped Schrödinger equation with a sublinear nonlinearity %X This paper completes some previous studies by several authors on the finite time extinction for nonlinear Schrödinger equation when the nonlinear damping term corresponds to the limit cases of some "saturating non-Kerr law" $F(|u|^2)u=\frac{a}{\varepsilon+(|u|^2)^\alpha}u,$ with $a\in\mathbb{C},$ $\varepsilon\geqslant0,$ $2\alpha=(1-m)$ and $m\in[0,1).$ Here we consider the sublinear case $00 \text{ and } 2\sqrt m\mathrm{Im}(z)=(1-m)\mathrm{Re}(z)\big\}.$ Among other things, we know that this damping coefficient is critical, for instance, in order to obtain the monotonicity of the associated operator (see the paper by Liskevich and Perel'muter [16] and the more recent study by Cialdea and Maz'ya [14]). The finite time extinction of solutions is proved by a suitable energy method after obtaining appropiate a priori estimates. Most of the results apply to non-necessarily bounded spatial domains. %N N° 3-4 %K Damped Schrödinger equation %K Finite time extinction %K Maximal monotone operators %K Existence and regularity of weak solutions %K Asymptotic behavior %P 311-340 %V vol. 28 %C Athens, OH %D 2023 %I Khayyam Publishing, Inc %L publications46338