%A Jadielson Moura %A Ana Paula Cabral %A Fatima Dargam %A Isabelle Linden %A Pascale Zaraté %T Collab-Net on line: An on line platform for DSS research collaboration in EWG-DSS %X Recently, the scientific research collaboration has been extended to social network analysis area, which concerns in evaluating the collaborative interaction among papers authors within publication databases. The Collab-Net platform aims to investigate these publication relationship in an automatic way by a Web-based platform. The present system was developed using free platforms for software development and database system purposes. The main goal of the Collab-Net is to allow researchers to analyze their own collaborative network, as well as possibilities for future collaboration among EWG-DSS members only using a Web-based platform, in anywhere at anytime. The Collab-Net system can be used as two end-users profiles: Administrator and Member profiles. %K Collab-Net %P 65 %D 2016 %I Plymouth University %L publications29106