%A Grzegorz Lisowski %A Sylvie Doutre %A Umberto Grandi %J International Workshop on Systems and Algorithms for Formal Argumentation (SAFA), Warsaw, Poland, 11/09/2018 %T Preventing Manipulation in Aggregating Audiences in Value-Based Argumentation Frameworks (regular paper) %X In the context of value-based argumentation frameworks, and collective decisions, we are interested in the behavior of agents who are willing to misrepresent their sincere beliefs about the ranking of values in order to ensure that their desired decision is agreed upon. We study the application of preference aggregation mechanisms towards reaching a compromise ranking of values for a group of agents. Further, we study under which conditions agents can manipulate the outcome of the discussion. We investigate the computational complexity of this problem. %P 48-59 %B International Workshop on Systems and Algorithms for Formal Argumentation (SAFA), Warsaw, Poland, 11/09/2018 %V 2171 %D 2018 %L publications27895