RT Book, Section SR 00 A1 Berro, Alain A1 Leroux, Isabelle T1 A simulation of strategic bargaining within biotechnology clusters YR 2006 FD 2006 VO I SP 335 OP 351 K1 cluster K1 biotechnology K1 strategic bargainings K1 complex adaptative system K1 artificial life K1 firms K1 local authorities AB This chapter introduces artificial life as a mean of exploring strategic relations dynamics between firms and local authorities within a local biotechnology cluster. It argues that artificial life, combined with a conception of bioclusters as complex adaptative systems, offers a significant approach to understanding the co-evolution of strategies and the potential vulnerability of such systems. The simulation model involves firms and local government administrations which negotiate to share a quasi-rent, and which, to this end, use strategies which are to a greater or lesser extent sophisticated or opportunistic. The results show that the firms adjust their bargaining strategies according to their assessment of gains which might be collectively generated. The results also bring to light that the local authorities play a regulatory role against opportunism and that they are the key players in local coordination. Stemming from these simulations, the authors develop new promising avenues of theoretical and empirical research. A2 Rennard, Jean-Philippe T2 Handbook of Research on Nature Inspired Computing for Economics and Management PB Information Science Reference SN 978-1591409847 AV Published LK https://publications.ut-capitole.fr/id/eprint/26571/