@article{publications18489, volume = {vol. 30}, number = {n? 4}, month = {October}, author = {Andreas Munzel}, note = {Titke : Malicious practice of fake reviews: Experimental insight into the potential of contextual indicators in assisting consumers to detect deceptive opinion spam}, title = {Attention aux faux avis ! Investigations exp{\'e}rimentales sur les indicateurs contextuels facilitant la d{\'e}tection des avis trompeurs par les internautes}, publisher = {Association fran{\cc}aise du marketing}, year = {2015}, journal = {Recherche et Applications en Marketing}, pages = {24--50}, keywords = {Bouche {\`a} oreille {\'e}lectronique, consensus, avis d?internautes, cr{\'e}dibilit{\'e}, faux avis, internautes}, url = {https://publications.ut-capitole.fr/id/eprint/18489/}, abstract = {Les individus se fient aux avis publi{\'e}s sur Internet dans leur d{\'e}cision d?achat. Toutefois, la cr{\'e}dibilit{\'e} des avis d?internautes est remise en cause suite {\`a} la croissance des pratiques frauduleuses des entreprises publiant de faux avis. Diff{\'e}rents m{\'e}canismes qui aident les internautes {\`a} d{\'e}tecter les faux avis sont examin{\'e}s dans trois {\'e}tudes exp{\'e}rimentales. Les r{\'e}sultats confirment l?importance d?une activation d?un mode de protection ainsi que les effets de deux des m{\'e}canismes potentiels {\'e}tudi{\'e}s sur la cr{\'e}dibilit{\'e}. Cette recherche contribue au champ des interactions en ligne par la mise en avant de l?importance des facteurs contextuels ? plut{\^o}t que textuels ? comme les certifications et la coh{\'e}rence des avis {\'e}mis dans le processus de d{\'e}tection des faux-avis par les internautes. ABSTRACT : Consumers often rely on experiences from other individuals shared online when making purchase decisions; however, the trustworthiness of consumers? online opinions is jeopardized by fake reviews. Three experimental studies were conducted that included different potential detection support mechanisms to identify fake reviews. The results show that a self-protection prime and two of the three tested detection support mechanisms affect the source?s trustworthiness. This research contributes to the field of online interactions by highlighting the potential of contextual ? instead of textual ? indicators, such as third-party labels and social proof, which assist Internet users in their efforts to detect fake reviews} }