%A Bertille Antoine %A Pascal Lavergne %J Journal of Econometrics %T Conditional moments models under semi-strong identification %X We consider conditional moment models under semi-strong identification. Identification strength is directly defined through the conditional moments that flatten as the sample size increases. Our new minimum distance estimator is consistent, asymptotically normal, robust to semi-strong identification, and does not rely on the choice of a user-chosen parameter, such as the number of instruments or some smoothing parameter. Heteroskedasticity-robust inference is possible through Wald testing without prior knowledge of the identification pattern. Simulations show that our estimator is competitive with alternative estimators based on many instruments, being well-centered with better coverage rates for confidence intervals. %N n° 3 %K Identification %K Conditional moments %K Minimum distance estimation %P 59-69 %V vol. 182 %D 2014 %I Elsevier %L publications16627