%S TSE Working Paper %A Helmuth Cremer %A Philippe De Donder %T Life expectancy heterogeneity and the political support for collective annuities %X Individuals, differing in productivity and life expectancy, vote over the size and type of a collective annuity. Its type is represented by the fraction of the contributive (Bismarckian) component (based on the worker's past earnings) as opposed to the non-contributive (Beveridgean) part (based on average contribution). The equilibrium collective annuity is either a large mostly Bismarckian program, a smaller pure Beveridgean one (in accordance with empirical evidence), or nil. A larger correlation between longevity and productivity, or a larger average life expectancy, both make the equilibrium collective annuity program more Beveridgean, although at the expense of its size. %K generosity %K redistributiveness %K pay-as-you-go pensions %K collective annuity %K longevity %K Kramer-Shepsle structure-induced equilibrium %B TSE Working Paper %V 14-496 %D 2014 %I TSE Working Paper %L publications16202