@article{publications15470, volume = {65}, number = {n?3}, month = {May}, author = {Patrick F{\`e}ve and Julien Matheron and Jean-Guillaume Sahuc}, title = {R{\`e}gles Budg{\'e}taires Strictes et Stabilit{\'e} Macro-{\'e}conomique: le cas de la TVA Sociale}, publisher = {Presses de Sciences Po}, year = {2014}, journal = {Revue {\'e}conomique}, pages = {543--556}, url = {https://publications.ut-capitole.fr/id/eprint/15470/}, abstract = {This paper studies the local dynamic properties of a simple general equilibrium model with Social vat. Strict balanced budget rules often lead to real indeterminacy of aggregate equilibrium, leaving room for ? sunspots ? fluctuations. In a closed-economy setup, social vat escapes this property and only reduces the aggregate labor supply elasticity. However, the quantitative effects are weak.} }