relation: title: Charitable Giving, Self-Image and Personality creator: Cueva, Carlos creator: Dessi, Roberta subject: B- ECONOMIE ET FINANCE description: We provide an experimental test of the role of self-signaling in decisions to do- nate to charity. Our data strongly supports the theoretical prediction of a non- monotonic, hill-shaped relationship between self-confidence, proxied by the Social Potency personality trait, and prosocial behavior motivated by image concerns. Making self-image concerns more salient can more than double donations by indi- viduals with medium self-confidence. publisher: TSE Working Paper date: 2012-10-11 type: Monograph type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Cueva, Carlos and Dessi, Roberta (2012) Charitable Giving, Self-Image and Personality. TSE Working Paper, n. 12-342 relation: language: en