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Original Articles

Gaussian Processes and Bayesian Moment Estimation

Pages 482-492
Accepted author version posted online: 19 Sep 2019
Published online: 25 Oct 2019


Given a set of moment restrictions (MRs) that overidentify a parameter θ, we investigate a semiparametric Bayesian approach for inference on θ that does not restrict the data distribution F apart from the MRs. As main contribution, we construct a degenerate Gaussian process prior that, conditionally on θ, restricts the F generated by this prior to satisfy the MRs with probability one. Our prior works even in the more involved case where the number of MRs is larger than the dimension of θ. We demonstrate that the corresponding posterior for θ is computationally convenient. Moreover, we show that there exists a link between our procedure, the generalized empirical likelihood with quadratic criterion and the limited information likelihood-based procedures. We provide a frequentist validation of our procedure by showing consistency and asymptotic normality of the posterior distribution of θ. The finite sample properties of our method are illustrated through Monte Carlo experiments and we provide an application to demand estimation in the airline market.

Supplementary Material

It contains: (I) a testing procedure, (II) further details about the simulations and empirical application, (III) all the proofs of the results in the article, and (IV) an alternative procedure to be used when the model is exactly identified.

Additional information


The authors gratefully thank the Editor, an Associate Editor, and three anonymous referees for their many constructive comments on the previous version of the article. The authors are grateful to Nicolas Chopin, Yuichi Kitamura, Frank Kleibergen, Andriy Norets and seminars and conferences participants at: Berlin, Boston College, Bristol, Carlos III, CREST, Leiden, Northwestern, SBIES 2015, ICEEE 2015, CFE - CMStatistics 2015, NASM 2012, Toulouse, for useful comments. We thank financial support from ANR-13-BSH1-0004 (IPANEMA). Anna Simoni gratefully acknowledges financial support from Labex ECODEC (ANR - 11-LABEX-0047), SFB-884 and hospitality from the University of Mannheim.


1 A trace-class operator is a compact operator with eigenvalues that are summable. Remark that this guarantees that the trajectories f generated by μ(f|θ) satisfy f2dΠ< a.s.

2 We thank Yuichi Kitamura for having suggested this research question.

3 Available at http://www.cengage.com/aise/economics/wooldridge_3e_datasets/.

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